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US Credit Reviews: Best Credit Reviews in the USA

Independent Reviews

A collection of reviews, experiences, opinions and complaints on all credit products and services in the US

Valuable Feedback

Read independent reviews, consumer experiences, feedback and complaints right here!

Quicker Decisions

With independent reviews you can make quicker decisions and feel good about buying products and services.

Experiences, reviews, opinions, ratings and reviews written for and by customers.

Do you want to know what customers think of a company in the US? Look at US Credit Reviews for opinions of real people who already have experience with these companies. That way, you can get that loan at a great interest rate or credit card with the best APR safely.

Why was US Credit Reviews founded?

We have some bad experiences of our own as a consumer. (Fortunately, we also had a couple of good ones!)

When we had a bad experience with a company, we found out that we wanted to tell our friends and family about it, to protect them from a bad experience of their own. But these companies could still do the exact same thing to people outside of our family and friends. There was no platform to tell the whole country that they shouldn’t buy there.

We also wanted to tell the whole country of the wonderful customer service that we had been given. Therefore we founded US Credit Reviews. This way, the companies that do not order decent products and/or customer service will get a bad name either way. A bad name means they sell less and selling less means the end of the company. In the end, we hope that only the good companies remain. Good companies get good reviews and therefore have a right to exist. US Credit Reviews has experience with large and small companies in the USA!